
We turn our validated designs into world-class apps.

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Why UX?

Businesses that invests in user experience, always win.

#1 way to outperform your competitors

In 2020, user experience overtook price and product as the biggest brand differentiator (Walker). Every $1 invested in UX brings $100 in return. That’s an ROI of 9,900%! (Forrester). The top companies leading in user experience outperformed the S&P index by 35%. (Forrester)

UX made top brands what they are today.

Amazon's founder Jeff Bezos spent 100:1 in UX over advertising in the early days and continue to do so (Walker). Airbnb attributed user research and tests as the turning point from failure to $10b in valuation (Walker). Hubspot grew to 10m in visitors after 3 months of intense UX re-design. (Walker)

UX Reduces the risks of failed digital projects.

Having UX design reduces the amount of time developers have to re-work a product by up to 50%. 70% of projects fail and eventually gets abandon due to lack of user acceptance done. It costs 100x more to fix a problem in development stages then in the UX stage.

OptionsMd-Web UX

Web app development

We develop web apps & portals using React.JS and ensuring they are mobile responsive and interactive.

OptionsMd-Web UX

E-commerce development

We develop e-commerce websites, e-ordering portals and m-commerce apps with custom-built backend platform for managers. These backend platforms allow store managers to manage orders, products, 3PL deliveries, inventory and offer a host of connective APIs to automate data cross-platforms / online to offline.

SRX - Singapore's Number 1 Real Estate App - 1

Mobile app development

We develop IOS and Android mobile apps using React Native, for consumers and enterprise users across all devices, with the highest level of security and native interactivity.

OptionsMd-Web UX

Enterprise app development

We develop enterprise applications using React.JS. We've developed automated workflow systems, data analytics dashboards and other internal apps that help make work easier and empower better decision-making.

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