
"The Future of UX Design: Spatial UX


Written by Abdul Rafiq, Director & Head of Design of Geddit Right

For businesses and digital agencies in Singapore, embracing Spatial UX offers a unique opportunity to connect with users in ways that were previously unimaginable. As a leading digital agency in Singapore, we are at the forefront of this transformation, helping businesses harness the power of Spatial UX to create compelling and engaging user experiences. The future of UX design is here, and it's spatial.

As a UX designer with over 12 years of experience, I've seen our field evolve remarkably. From the early days of basic web interfaces to the sophisticated, user-centered designs we create today, our journey has been extraordinary. Now, we're on the brink of another transformative shift: the rise of Spatial UX.

What is Spatial UX?

Spatial UX represents a groundbreaking advancement in user experience design. Unlike traditional UX, which focuses on two-dimensional screens, Spatial UX creates immersive, three-dimensional environments. Technologies like Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) make this possible, allowing users to interact with digital content more naturally and engagingly.

Apple Vision pro
Apple vision Pro

Why Spatial UX Matters

Spatial UX holds immense importance in today’s digital world. Users crave experiences that are not only functional but also immersive and interactive. Spatial UX meets this demand by providing a more dynamic and engaging user experience. Here’s why Spatial UX is set to revolutionize the industry:

1. Enhanced Engagement

Spatial UX transforms users from passive observers into active participants. Imagine walking through a virtual showroom where you can interact with products as if they were physically in front of you. You can pick up items, examine them from different angles, and see detailed information with a simple gesture. This interactive exploration makes the shopping experience far more engaging and memorable. 

Augmented Reality
Augmented Reality

Similarly, in an interactive training session, participants don't just watch instructional videos; they immerse themselves in realistic simulations where they can practice skills and receive instant feedback. Navigating a digital recreation of a historical site allows users to walk through ancient cities, interact with artifacts, and witness historical events as if they were actually there. This heightened engagement leads to better retention, satisfaction, and an overall superior user experience, making every interaction more impactful and enjoyable.

2. Real-World Applications

The applications of Spatial UX are vast and varied, extending across numerous industries. In retail, for instance, customers can virtually try on clothes, seeing how different outfits look and fit without leaving their homes. Furniture shopping becomes a breeze as users place virtual furniture in their actual living spaces, ensuring perfect size and style matches. In education, students can dive into complex scientific concepts or historical events, experiencing them in a way that textbooks can't offer. 

AR in retail industry
Augmented reality in Retail


Imagine a biology student walking through a virtual human body, examining organs up close, or a history student exploring a recreated ancient civilization. In healthcare, patients and medical professionals benefit immensely from realistic simulations. Surgeons can practice complex procedures in a risk-free virtual environment, and patients can have detailed, interactive consultations that enhance their understanding of medical conditions and treatments. These diverse applications showcase Spatial UX as a powerful tool that enhances learning, shopping, and healthcare experiences, making them more intuitive and effective.

3. Increased Accessibility

As AR and VR technologies become more accessible and affordable, Spatial UX will reach a broader audience. The democratization of these technologies means businesses of all sizes can now leverage the power of immersive experiences to connect with their users in meaningful ways. Small retail stores can offer virtual try-ons and interactive product demos without needing a large physical footprint. 

Beauty Industry with AR
  Beauty Industry with AR


Educational institutions, from primary schools to universities, can incorporate immersive learning experiences into their curricula, providing students with hands-on learning opportunities that were previously out of reach. Healthcare providers, regardless of their size, can utilize realistic simulations and interactive consultations to improve patient care and education. By breaking down barriers to access, Spatial UX empowers more businesses and institutions to create compelling, immersive experiences that resonate deeply with users, fostering stronger connections and more impactful interactions.

Overcoming Challenges

While Spatial UX holds immense potential, it also presents challenges. Designing for three-dimensional spaces requires a deep understanding of spatial relationships, user behaviors, and the unique considerations of AR and VR platforms. These challenges, however, present exciting opportunities for innovation and growth.

1. Rethinking Design Principles

To effectively design for Spatial UX, we must adapt traditional design principles to fit three-dimensional spaces. This means considering factors such as depth perception, spatial orientation, and user movement. Unlike flat, two-dimensional interfaces, Spatial UX requires a holistic approach that encompasses the user's entire environment. Designers need to think about how users will navigate through space, interact with objects, and perceive distances and proportions. 

For example, in a virtual showroom, products need to be placed at accessible heights and distances to ensure users can comfortably explore them. Lighting and shadows play a crucial role in creating a realistic and immersive environment, so understanding how to manipulate these elements is essential. Additionally, designers must consider the physical comfort of users, ensuring that interactions do not cause strain or discomfort over time. This shift from traditional design thinking to a more comprehensive, spatial approach opens up new avenues for creativity and innovation in user experience.

2. Learning New Tools

Designing for Spatial UX often involves mastering new tools and technologies that go beyond standard design software. This includes 3D modeling software, such as Blender or Autodesk Maya, which allows designers to create detailed and realistic virtual environments. Understanding the nuances of these tools, from texturing to animation, is crucial for building compelling spatial experiences. AR development platforms like Unity and Unreal Engine provide the frameworks needed to bring these 3D models to life in interactive ways. Learning to code in languages like C# or Python may also be necessary to fully leverage these platforms' capabilities. Additionally, designers must stay updated with the latest hardware developments, such as AR glasses or VR headsets, to ensure compatibility and optimal performance. 

While the learning curve can be steep, investing time and effort into acquiring these skills will pay off as the demand for immersive experiences continues to grow. This continuous learning process not only enhances a designer's skill set but also keeps them at the forefront of technological advancements, allowing them to push the boundaries of what’s possible in Spatial UX.

3. Understanding User Behavior in 3D Spaces

A critical aspect of designing for Spatial UX is understanding how users interact with three-dimensional environments. Unlike traditional interfaces, where interactions are limited to clicks and taps, Spatial UX involves more complex gestures and movements. Designers need to study user behaviors, such as how people naturally reach for objects, move through space, and respond to visual and auditory cues. This understanding helps in creating intuitive interactions that feel natural and engaging. 

For instance, placing interactive elements within easy reach and ensuring that virtual objects behave in expected ways (e.g., a ball rolls when pushed) enhances the user's sense of presence and immersion. Conducting user testing in AR and VR environments is essential to gather feedback and refine interactions. By closely observing how users navigate and interact within these spaces, designers can identify potential pain points and areas for improvement, ultimately creating more seamless and enjoyable experiences.

4. Addressing Technical Constraints

Designing for Spatial UX also means addressing various technical constraints. Performance optimization is critical, as AR and VR experiences require significant processing power and can be resource-intensive. Designers must work closely with developers to ensure that virtual environments run smoothly on different devices without compromising quality. This involves optimizing 3D models, managing assets efficiently, and minimizing latency to prevent motion sickness in VR environments.

Additionally, designers must consider the limitations of current hardware, such as field of view, battery life, and tracking accuracy, and design experiences that work within these constraints. Staying informed about technological advancements and being adaptable to changes is crucial for overcoming these challenges. By addressing these technical aspects effectively, designers can deliver high-quality, immersive experiences that are accessible to a wider audience.

In conclusion, while Spatial UX presents unique challenges, it also offers exciting opportunities for innovation and growth. By rethinking design principles, mastering new tools, understanding user behavior in 3D spaces, and addressing technical constraints, designers can create truly immersive and engaging experiences. Embracing these challenges will not only enhance our skill sets but also push the boundaries of what’s possible in UX design, leading to a future where digital interactions are more intuitive, immersive, and impactful than ever before.

The Future is Bright

The future of UX design is undoubtedly exciting, with Spatial UX at the forefront of this evolution. As technology advances and integrates more into our daily lives, the line between the physical and digital worlds will continue to blur. This convergence opens up unprecedented opportunities for businesses to create memorable, impactful experiences for their users.

Imagine a world where your customers can walk through a virtual store, pick up and examine products as if they were physically there, or participate in virtual events that feel as real as their physical counterparts. This is the promise of Spatial UX: transforming how we interact with digital content, making it more tangible, immersive, and engaging. As these technologies become more sophisticated and accessible, businesses that adopt Spatial UX will stand out, offering their users experiences that are not only functional but also truly captivating.

Why Partner with Us

As a UX designer with over 12 years of experience, I understand the intricacies and nuances of creating compelling user experiences. My team and I are committed to staying ahead of industry trends and leveraging the latest technologies to deliver exceptional results. Here’s why partnering with us will benefit your business:

1. Extensive Expertise

With our deep understanding of both traditional and spatial UX design principles, we can seamlessly transition your projects into the new era of immersive experiences. We have a proven track record of designing user interfaces that are intuitive, engaging, and effective, ensuring that your users have the best possible experience.

2. Cutting-Edge Technology

We leverage the latest tools and technologies to create state-of-the-art spatial experiences. From 3D modeling and animation to AR and VR development, our team is equipped with the skills and knowledge needed to bring your vision to life. We stay updated with technological advancements, ensuring that our solutions are always at the forefront of innovation.

3. User-Centered Design

Our design process is deeply rooted in understanding your users’ needs and behaviors. We conduct thorough research and testing to create experiences that resonate with your audience. By focusing on user-centered design, we ensure that the solutions we deliver are not only visually appealing but also highly functional and user-friendly.

4. Tailored Solutions

Every business is unique, and so are its needs. We work closely with you to understand your goals and challenges, tailoring our solutions to meet your specific requirements. Whether you’re looking to enhance your e-commerce platform with virtual try-ons, create immersive training programs, or develop interactive educational tools, we have the expertise to deliver solutions that exceed your expectations.

5. Strategic Partnership

Partnering with us means more than just a business transaction; it’s a strategic collaboration. We invest in building long-term relationships with our clients, providing ongoing support and guidance to help your business grow and succeed. Our commitment to your success means we’re always looking for ways to innovate and improve your user experiences.

Let's Create the Future Together

In conclusion, Spatial UX is not just a trend; it’s the future of user experience design. Embracing this innovative approach will set your business apart and provide your users with unforgettable, immersive experiences. The potential for growth and engagement is immense, and as a digital agency we’re here to help you navigate this exciting new landscape.

Let's embark on this journey together and create the future of UX design.

Written by Abdul Rafiq, Director & Head of Design of Geddit Right

Director & Head of Design of Geddit Right
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I’ve helped over 100s of startups launch since 2012 from focusing on a UX-first approach. I guide founders to help turn their ideas into UX prototypes, in which they can test with users and convince investors. My clients have gone on to raise millions in pre-seed and seed funding, and some have gone on to become successful startups.Book a call with me to

learn more about my UX-first design and development engagement and case studies.

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